Sign me up - I want liberation!

You know that thing you have with food? You know, that love-hate relationship 

Where sometimes you eat your emotions to the point of a belly and headache?

Let’s get real for a moment - because I KNOW you care about this and rigid diets haven’t worked.

Do You…

• Eat in secrecy?

• Shame your body figure?

• Forget to eat... or feel lost in the kitchen, like cooking is a chore?

• Feel out of control with food?

• Compare your body to others?

• Avoid work projects with food as a distraction?

• Keep starting new and better nutrition plans with the hope that it will stick?

• Cancel social connections and dates because of the way your body feels or looks?

Have you promised yourself that life will get better
once you just FIX your food patterns?

Babe, you don’t need to be fixed.

Nothing is wrong with you.

Sign me up - I want liberation!

You know that thing you have with food? You know, that love-hate relationship 

Where sometimes you eat your emotions to the point of a belly and headache?

Let’s get real for a moment - because I KNOW you care about this and rigid diets haven’t worked.

Do You…

• Eat in secrecy?

• Shame your body figure?

• Forget to eat... or feel lost in the kitchen, like cooking is a chore?

• Feel out of control with food?

• Compare your body to others?

• Avoid work projects with food as a distraction?

• Keep starting new and better nutrition plans with the hope that it will stick?

• Cancel social connections and dates because of the way your body feels or looks?

Have you promised yourself that life will get better
once you just FIX your food patterns?

Babe, you don’t need to be fixed.

Nothing is wrong with you.

Welcome to Soul Food! 

Your weekly group accountability for true nourishment and weekly ceremonial LIVE calls to Liberate Patterns with Food and deeply FEED your Soul!


Our POTENT 5 module course is now LIVE. Videos are on the course portal, and there are 5 LIVE additional group Calls.  

 This is a Radical Approach for New Paradigm Thought-Leaders:

You get to shift your co-dependent relationship with food by claiming wholeness
within 5 Powerful Archetypes from your life timeline: The Wild Woman, Inner Child, Teenager,
Sex Goddess, & Burned Out Superwoman 

NO diets, protocols, or systems

You get to meet the thing itself (that you’re trying to fix)
- the fragmented parts of your psyche
from past emotional trauma that have blocked your ability to embody your wholeness
and love in the present moment.


And revolutionize your relationship to Food + Pleasure.

Full Body YES to Soul Food!

Imagine feeling: 

● Ease in your digestion: less bloating, gas, or tension in belly

● Full embodied sensuality while you make love, without worry about how your body looks

● Tons of energy, where your vitality lasts throughout the full workday

● Confident in your clothes

● Clear with what to cook for your hormones + womb health and how to flow in the kitchen

● Nourished by your meals

● Living YOUR LIFE, fully in your greatness!

Imagine feeling: 

● Ease in your digestion: less bloating, gas, or tension in belly

● Full embodied sensuality while you make love, without worry about how your body looks

● Tons of energy, where your vitality lasts throughout the full workday

● Clear with what to cook for your hormones + womb health and how to flow in the kitchen

● Confident in your clothes

● Nourished by your meals

● Living YOUR LIFE, fully in your greatness!

I don’t believe for one second that you have a lack of will power.

When you meet your core wounds and discover the messages behind what your food habits are trying to communicate, you build TRUST with yourself.

With the guided rituals and tools in Soul Food, you’ll get to express the emotional debris so your Shakti Magic can flow, no longer keeping you small and reaching for the chocolate.

It’s time you met the depth of YOU, including the parts of you that still dim your magic.

I want Freedom from Emotional Eating!

Within each Module you will have full permission to embody radiant pleasure… 

Cuz hun, manifesting a perfect food relationship and dream body doesn’t lead to the happiness you think it will if it’s created through self-loathing and restriction.

I want you to feel ALIVE, every moment of the way...

I used to binge eat in secrecy because of stress from my ambitious schedule and then shame myself.

The habits started in high school, but the thought patterns behind the habits originated in my youth from body dysmorphia from rapid weight gain during puberty hormonal shifts. 

I felt embarrassed and unworthy of love (later, when I became a Women’s Health Coach, I learned the role blood sugar and poor nutrition play in weight gain).

So, I proved my worth in other ways: chasing success, people-pleasing, etc… straight into burnout and then spiraling into deep emotional eating patterns.

Healthy eating, fitness and wellness routines helped, but I yo-yo’d hard whenever a particular stressful life challenge occurred. Food became the route to communicate the emotions I couldn’t express. 

Freedom only came when I realized what my Soul truly craved… To be fed presence and pleasure.

Only then did I get what I was truly seeking - to LIVE my life. To really live it, ecstatically full, turned on, wet and present in all my engagements and creations.

I want this for YOU! To occupy your life DOING more things you LOVE: building your biz, having more energy to engage in life - like juicy lovemaking, chasing your children, and exuding radiant confidence.

And THAT is why I created Soul Food.

You get powerful pleasure rituals, recipes, and a soul community that GETS you, so you can meet the depth of yourself and liberate from wonky patterns with food.


You’ll KNOW this program is for you if you want to…


● Know your Core Wounds 

● Understand the meaning behind your cravings

● Heal through pleasure rituals to BE in your BODY

● Meet the needs your soul truly craves


● Learn sustainable weight-loss hacks (tip: Diets DON’T WORK!)

● Eat and cook beautiful meals for your body-temple + menstrual cycle

● Embody deeper, long-lasting self-LOVE

● Process stored emotional trauma and stagnation that lead to co-dependent choices with food

● Create powerful long-lasting mindset shifts of love and body positivity

● Eat nourishing meals



You’ll KNOW this program is for you if you want to…


● Know your Core Wounds 

● Understand the meaning behind your cravings

● Heal through pleasure rituals to BE in your BODY

● Meet the needs your soul truly craves

● Bond with other womxn who SEE you and GET you.

● Learn sustainable weight-loss hacks (tip: Diets DON’T WORK!)

● Eat and cook beautiful meals for your body-temple + menstrual cycle

● Embody deeper, long-lasting self-LOVE

● Process stored emotional trauma and stagnation that lead to co-dependent choices with food

● Create powerful long-lasting mindset shifts of love and body positivity

● Eat nourishing meals

You receive Instant LIFETIME Access to your Soul Food Portal, journey through the 5 Main Archetypes to clear co-dependency and EMPOWER your relationship with self and food:

Module 1: Wild Woman (PMS/Repressed Emotions)

Meet your inner witch and priestess. They have a voice that has been repressed over years of silencing the wild feminine by expectations of being proper and dutiful, and societal disbelief of magic. A neglected Wild Womxn archetype presents itself in the form of loud PMS symptoms: cramps, irritability and moodiness, food cravings, and headaches, + peri-menopausal challenges. You will receive a powerful ritual of Womb-Space Clearing to emote your repressed feelings- this is a chance to be primal with your shadow-self. All of you is welcome- you get be full of all your radiant witchy magic to create powerful change and boundaries in your life for transformation! 

Module 2: The Inner Child (Roots/Core Wounds)

Create safety for your inner child to PLAY and return to its sweet innocence. We will meet core wounds of abandonment and internalization of unnecessary blame. With a powerful Timeline Healing/Soul Retrieval group ritual, plus healthy recipes to delight your inner child and honor your ancestry, this module will deeply shift you at the CORE of your roots to clear energetic debris in your foundation. This is one of the most TRANSFORMATIVE rituals my 1-1 clients have thanked me for- now you get access to it! 

Module 3: The Teenage Rebel (Comparison/Rejection & Body/Identity)

Together, we will heal sisterhood wounds of feeling outcaste or betrayed, as well as body-shaming and food patterns developed during our youth. This module includes a Body Positivity Ritual, community storytelling, and learn from your teenage rebel, slaying the “people-pleasing” mentality for radiant self-confidence.

Module 4: The Sex Goddess (Lonely Lover/Pleasure)

The lover within us longs to be met. To share and receive intimacy. To experience pleasure. When a wounded lover feels detached from sensuality, feels unworthy of pleasure, and fears one’s own sexiness… food becomes the ally for indulgence and dopamine release. In this module, we will experience the ritual of Sex Magick: for creating more awakened feminine energy in your yoni and breasts to fully meet life, wet and ready and turned on in your radiance! Secret: Food, orgasm, and pleasure are all connected.

Module 5: The Superwoman (Burned Out Mother/Boss Babe)

The Superwomxn archetype includes The Mother and The Boss Babe/Entrepreneur who has BURNED OUT. Working, doing, serving, feeding children, this archetype nourishes everyone else and the business and puts themselves last. And often times, not at all! Stimulants, sugar, and fast food cause bloating and burnout. In this module, we will experience a Yoni Steam Ritual with nourishing herbal allies, and powerful self-care rituals to keep you feeling like the SUPERWOMXN you are.

In each module, we'll learn which core wounds are associated with each archetype,
leading to attachment and co-dependent behavior expressed with food.

You’ll receive recipes to nourish this archetype’s need, insightful journal prompts,

and be guided through a powerful ritual to embody wholeness in this archetype.

Listen to the Podcast Interview below to learn more!👇


May 31st- Friday- Wild Woman- 4:30pm PT
June 6th- Thursday- Inner Child- 5:30pm PT
June 16th- Sunday- Rebel Teen- 12:30pm PT
June 13th- Thursday- Lover- 5:30pm PT
June 20th- Thursday- Superwoman - 12:30pm PT

Course value $1997
Your Transformation Investment:

Paid In Full


(Pay in Full)

Your Soul Food Portal Includes:

  • 5x 1.5-hour LIVE group calls
  • 3 Bonus Recordings with Guest Experts + Fitness Coach
  • Guided Rituals for Healing Trauma and Re-Writing Old Patterns
  • Recipes for each Archetype
  • PDF guides
  • Suggested Meal Plan+ Digestive Support
  • Menstrual Cycle 4 Inner Seasonal Eating
  • Powerful Community of Like-Minded womxn
Join for Soul Food!

Payment Plan


(3 Monthly Payments)

Your Soul Food Portal Includes:

  • 5x 1.5-hour LIVE group calls
  • 3 Bonus Recordings 
    with Guest Experts + Fitness Coach
  • Guided Rituals for Healing Trauma and Re-Writing Old Patterns
  • Recipes for each Archetype
  • PDF guides
  • Suggested Meal Plan+ Digestive Support
  • Menstrual Cycle 4 Inner Seasonal Eating
  • Powerful Community of Like-Minded womxn
Join Soul Food!


"I lost 10 pounds and have kept it off with the inspiration from Allie's resources on Intermittent Fasting!"

~ Gaia

"I’m cooking more meals for myself- like a kitchen witch. I spend more time in my kitchen, cooking to music, cleaning it and making it a sacred space.

Allie’s program totally shifted my relationship to food. I’m even imagining her with me as I am making breakfast: ‘let me juice with Allie, today.’ My practical self is pleased."

~ Laetitia

"I used to turn to food to avoid my work projects. I actually used food to keep myself small! Now I nourish myself instead of looking outward. I have more energy and clarity to pour into my projects and show up for people in my life."

~ Kelly

 Healing Motherhood Body-Shame: 

"One of the practices we did brought me back to that time, where I would binge in the night while breastfeeding. Overwhelming emotion came to the surface- grief, unworthiness, stories I believed about myself in regards to motherhood, bodily shame, loneliness, despair. I shared this with my breakout group and felt incredibly raw and vulnerable and held." 



Sensual Embodiment:


“I completely shut down sexually with a loss of sex drive and I just felt numb, so I used my relationship with food to regain my sensuality: I started practicing smelling and making love to my food. Besides this on going breakthrough, I had a major breakthrough with the inner child archetype, realizing the beliefs that began so young that I was broken, this has been a major understanding and transformation into being whole and ENOUGH!" 


"I lost 10 pounds and have kept it off with the inspiration from Allie’s resources on Intermittent Fasting!"

~ Gaia

"I’m cooking more meals for myself- like a kitchen witch. I spend more time in my kitchen, cooking to music, cleaning it and making it a sacred space.

Allie’s program totally shifted my relationship to food. I’m even imagining her with me as I am making breakfast: ‘let me juice with Allie, today.’ My practical self is pleased."

~ Laetitia

"I used to turn to food to avoid my work projects. I actually used food to keep myself small! Now I nourish myself instead of looking outward. I have more energy and clarity to pour into my projects and show up for people in my life."

~ Kelly



Get the Moon Cycle eCookbook, FREE with Soul Food!

Discover the emotions that occur in each of the 4 hormonal phases of the menstrual cycle,
and learn juicy recipes to nourish your body through each phase:

Menstrual (inner winter), Follicular (inner spring),
Ovulatory (inner summer), Luteal (inner autumn)


Davana May, @DivineDavana, mother wife and co-leader of Sacred Sisters Circle shares her journey with food (tips and challenges) as she nourishes her two young children, her family unit and still shows up for her business and community with vibrancy. 

Aisho Love, @iamaisholove,  Goddess Empowerment Coach offers a transmission on "Liberation from Sisterhood Outcaste Wound," to help you fully step into your Goddess Power in your relationship to community, food, energy and purpose.



Meet your Soul Food Fitness Coach, Samm Haden, @SammHaden. Come workout with us!

Aisho Love, @iamaisholove,  Goddess Empowerment Coach offers a transmission on "Liberation from Sisterhood Outcaste Wound," to help you fully step into your Goddess Power in your relationship to community, food, energy and purpose. (LIVE Interview Week 3 for Rejected Rebel Teenager).


Davana May, @DivineDavana, mother wife and co-leader of Sacred Sisters Circle shares her journey with food (tips and challenges) as she nourishes her two young children, her family unit and still shows up for her business and community with vibrancy. (LIVE Interview date announced soon for Week 5 for Mama/Superwomxn/BossBabe).

Meet your Soul Food Fitness Coach, Samm Haden, @SammHaden. Come workout with us LIVE, and bring your fitness/nutrition questions!

"Hey, Friend! I’m Numana- Allie. My life’s work is empowering woman to embody the feminine, by living with their sacred rhythm, and nourishing their body-temples through nutrition, hormone balance, and sacred self-care."