One of the biggest thing that hold entrepreneurs back from offering next level creations:
Is not that you lack the skill set...
Or that you’re not creative...
Or that you don’t have enough time...
It’s the fear that others will judge you.
Maybe you make your work decisions based on people pleasing
Or because you’re trying to prove yourself
Or you are simply stuck in paralysis
Each of us have a need to belong and have purpose... yet our dreams get sabotaged
because our fear of not being liked
is more than our will to serve
...But what if you believed in your mission + your messy process so much
that regardless of what chaos the world is existing in, that you remained steadfast and bulletproof?
What if you became that entrepreneur who chose the reality you desire to live in.
What if you overcame the need to be liked and TRUSTED your medicine, fully...
- And you became more solid, secure, and confident- to thrive in the chaos of change
- And you embodied more of your SHAKTI- the power of the feminine within you that alchemizes
- And you curated your business to be alive, not static
- And you activated your unique authentic voice, regardless of the opinions of others
✔️I am steadfast.
✔️I am bulletproof.
✔️My unique medicine is magnetic.
Babe, how deep is your desire to BECOME unshakeable?
I invite you to join..
A 90 minute Masterclass with Embodiment Rituals
June 30th, 2022
12pm PST I 3pm EST
Reserve your spot for just $44 (early bird until June 27th- so hop in and Save!)
Recording will be available for replay within 24 hours.

What's Included:
90 minutes of DEEP Shifts in somatic, energetic and limiting beliefs
-Shadow Ecstasy Methodology
-Wild Woman Embodiment Ritual
-Chaos to Liberation Ritual
Want to know a little secret?
The chaos you experience that throws you off your center...
The wild emotions that numb your focus and creative expression...
The fear of what others might think... (oh and just what if their opinions are actually true)... your shadow calling you deeper into loving parts of yourself that have not been fully acknowledged.
That's why the external is triggering the fuck out of you....
Because there's a place inside you that so deeply desires love, belonging, and to know that your existence is meaningful...
Because of this longing, you will constantly see opportunities in the external to make you PROVE your value...
When in fact, you have the sovereignty and choice to just directly go within and meet the root of the unconscious beliefs...
This Masterclass is your opportunity to meet the parts of you that you secretly desire to love.
That block your momentum in your business and prevent the Universe from receiving you fully in your soul's purpose.
Come play, and break some rules with me!
Allie, Priestess Numana
I'm All in!