hosted by Priestess Numana - Allie McFee

deepen your roots • unlock your power • embody trust

1.31.24- 2.1.24


Deepen your ROOTS • Unlock your POWER • Embody TRUST

1.31.24- 2.1.24


You’re Invited!

Two-Day Online Summit with a Council of 13 Mentors sharing the roots of Womb Wisdom so you can deepen and heal your connection with your ancestry, the earth, and the cosmos to liberate generational trauma and give birth to your soul’s purpose and desires with unshakeable trust.

 …in sisterhood* 💫

*All ages + genders welcome!

Value: $297 FREE

Click here to register!

Your life is a living, breathing legacy of LOVE that invites a world of blessings your descendants get to receive. The trauma of your ancestry ends with YOU:

🌳 Honor your ancestors and receive the blessings of your ancestral inheritance

🕊️ Liberate ancestral and womb traumas that keep you blocked in creating and/or cause challenges with your cycle and fertility

Stand strong in the gifts of your authentic expression to create a world that you feel proud to offer our descendants

Have you ever wondered...

→ why sometimes you have the vision and power to create BIG -  but other times you feel stuck and disempowered?
→ why your womb health and sexual energy feel lackluster or dull?


When you’re rooted 🌱 in your visions… you move from questioning or waiting for life to happen, and YOU put your life in MOTION! ⚡️


You get to...
Listen to stories of embodied womb wisdom leaders
Clear your womb from energetic and emotional debris
Liberate your creative energy to birth your visions

You CAN do this babe, and this council is here to support you.

I see you, you know you are meant to create more… You don’t need to DIM your Light around others. Because you desire it, it means it’s possible. And this council is here to help you REMEMBER that.

Open up to more prosperity while living your purpose. Feel deliciously connected to your womb and sensual expression. Believe in yourself and break sabotaging patterns. Live a new way- a sacred way.

You are the ancestor paving the way for the blessings your descendants will receive.

You are your ancestors' prayer.

Your Council of  Womb  Healers:

Your host, Numana Joy (Allie McFee)
Womb Healer + Women's Lifestyle Coach 

Moetu Taiha, Eila Paul, Hato Siaki, Devi Tide 
Maori Grandmothers + Womb Healers
Isabel Mariposa Galactica
Visionary Artist
Torie Feldman
Ancestral Healing Guide + Founder

Gabriella Cerince
Acoltye of Priestess Path, Dianic Witch, Birthkeeper
Prue Rustean
Facilitator of Healing through Earth Altars
Sophia Rayne
Pop Musician + Poetic Lyricist
Debra Silverman
World Renown Astrologist + Clinical Psychologist
Alyssa Zander
Co-Dependency Coach + Author 

Chelsey Jo Huntsman
Transformational Artist, Writer, Mentor
Lizzy Jeff 
Rap Priestess, Activist, Founder of Zen & Kush

Your Council of Womb Healers:

Your host, Numana Joy (Allie McFee)
Womb Healer + Women's Lifestyle Coach

Moetu Taiha, Eila Paul, Hato Siaki, Devi Tide 
Maori Grandmothers + Womb Healers
Isabel Mariposa Galactica
Visionary Artist
Torie Feldman
Ancestral Healing Guide + Founder

Gabriella Cernice
Acoltye of Priestess Path, Dianic Witch, Birth-Keeper
Prue Rustean
Facilitator of Healing through Earth Altars
Sophia Rayne
Musician + Poetic Lyricist
Debra Silverman
World Renown Astrologist + Clinical Psychologist
Alyssa Zander
Co-Dependency Coach + Author 

Chelsey Jo Huntsman
Transformational Artist, Writer, Mentor
Lizzy Jeff 
Rap Priestess, Activist, Founder of Zen & Kush


🌳 Discover your personal ancestry, the wounds that keep your magic dormant

✨ Learn ancestral wisdom of the cosmos, as the starseed you are on a divine earthly mission

đź’— And dive deeper into your womb wisdom, unlocking the power to birth your legacy


This year marks the 2nd annual Global Ancestral Womb Healing Council!

Love notes from last year 💕


On the last day of the council, we will join together for my signature Womb Clearing Ceremony.

Womb Clearing is an energy healing ceremony in sisterhood involving somatic and embodiment practices. Together, we will:

🌸 Awaken your creative feminine energy

🕊️ Emotionally release any lingering trauma contributing to issues like PMS, irregular cycles and more

🌹 Enhance your sensuality

🌕 Embody your wild woman

🌀 Activate life-force energy that exists within your sacral chakra

In this specific ceremony, you will liberate lingering ancestral trauma within your womb and nervous system and re-code your womb with powerful affirmations to create the life you desire with more ease.

*This ceremony is an optional add-on. You can join through purchasing the package of the recordings + the ceremony.


Your Daily Schedule

1.31.24 - 2.1.24 // 4-6:15 PM PST 

Day 1: Ancestral Roots of Womb Wisdom

  • 4:00pm: Welcome + Introduction with Numana Joy (Allie)

  • 4:10pm: Womb Blessing + Divine Feminine Ancestral Wisdom with Maori Grandmothers + Moetu Taiha

  •  4:30pm: Galactic Ancestral Wisdom + Artistry of Life with Isabel Mariposa Galactica

  • 4:50pm: Ancestral Womb Healing with Torie Feldman

  • 5:10pm: Earth Cycles + Celtic Pagan HerStory with Gabriella Cerince

  • 5:30pm: Building Earth Altars with Prue Rustean 

  • 5:50pm: Authentic Voice of Liberation with Sophia Rayne

  • 6:10pm: Closing Reflections + Prize Announcement with Numana Joy (Allie)

Day 2: Clear Your Womb, Birth Your Legacy

  • 4:00pm: Womb Trauma Healing & Hormone Balance with Numana Joy (Allie) 

  • 4:15pm: Astrological Legacy Weather Report in 2024 with Debra Silverman

  • 4:35pm: Motherwound Healing with Alyssa Zander

  • 4:55pm: Generational Money Healing with Chelsey Jo Huntsman

  • 5:15pm: Sensual Embodied Empowerment with Lizzy Jeff

  • 5:35pm: Closing Ceremony with Numana Joy (Allie)

    BONUS! 5:45pm - 6:30pm: Private Group Womb Clearing Ritual with Priestess Numana Joy (Allie)

Value: $297 YOURS FREE

Join us HERE!

My  story 

Numana Joy aka Allie McFee is the founder of The Womb Healing Practitioner Training through Juicy Feminine Leadership Academy™ an immersive Womb Healing and business training for spiritual, female entrepreneurs.

Numana has thousands of hours trained in somatic trauma informed space-holding, women’s leadership, womb healing rituals and natural hormone balance methods. To name a few of her trainings, she is certified in Women’s Health and Nutrition Coaching, Integrative Trauma Informed Space-holding, Tantric Practices, Hormone Balance Cooking, Priestess and Shamanic Minister Ordination, Red Tent Facilitation and as a Doula.

She has been called the “black sheep” of her family (now reclaiming herself as the “rainbow sheep”)... by being the first female entrepreneur and to teach about taboo subjects like women’s sexuality and holistic healing methods.

She wants every woman to know that if they are dimming back their full expression, it’s time to own your full power and create a lifestyle you would be proud your descendants knew about. You can do this through accessing the creation power that exists within your womb-space.

This is the second annual council. If this is your second time participating, we welcome you to go deeper in your ancestral connection, as the understanding of this journey can involve new facets of awareness at different stages of your life.

I am here to serve as the council host and Priestess, gathering unique voices from different ages and backgrounds.

I have traveled to sacred sites, worked with clear embodied mentors,
and now I am inviting YOU to join us to receive these teachings in our free online summit.


My  story

I have been called the “black sheep” of my family (I now own that I am the “rainbow sheep,”) and for many years, I felt afraid to live my purpose as a women’s health educator, womb priestess, and sacred sexuality coach, yet I knew that I must walk my path.

In the summer of 2022, I traveled to meet my ancestry in Scotland and then back to my birth town of Michigan. During these journeys, I was guided to specific Earth Portals to sing and do ritual to support the Earth Grid. While in Southern France at Montsegur (Mary Magdelene's Mystery School), I received a vision from my Spirit guide, Hathor, instructing me to create and host an Ancestral Womb Healing Council.

I envisioned a council of women speaking and sharing codes about our ancestors from the stars, earth-based womb healing practices, and rituals for our soul’s purpose becoming more clear, and us more embodied in power to birth new earth. Last Imboc (this time a year ago), I hosted the first version of this online Council. We had over 1600+ people register. It was a movement of deep truth and healing.

This is the second annual council. If this is your second time participating, we welcome you to go deeper in your ancestral connection, as the understanding of this journey can involve new facets of awareness at different stages of your life.

I am here to serve as the council host and Priestess, gathering unique voices from different ages and backgrounds.

I have traveled to sacred sites, worked with clear embodied mentors,
and now I am inviting YOU to join us to receive these teachings in our free online summit.


Sponsors  &  Prizes

High Priestess Body Suit

Sustainably made
(valued $120)

 Isabel Mariposa Galactica

Andara Yoni Egg Crystal

(valued $77)

Sonic Love Alchemy

Modern Goddess Yoni Steam Blend

(valued $35)

Juicy Feminine Leadership Academy

Sponsors  &  Prizes

High Priestess Body Suit

Sustainably made
(valued $120)

 Isabel Mariposa Galactica

Andara Yoni Egg Crystal

(valued $77)

Sonic Love Alchemy

Modern Goddess Yoni Steam Blend

(valued $35)

Juicy Feminine Leadership Academy

Value: $297 YOURS FREE!