Your Self Paced Online Retreat to embody your dripping wet feminine energy that will juice up the way you create in work, make love, and live in full aliveness.

Maybe you feel the POWER inside you, but you’ve been playing small.
Who would you be if your power was not static, but alive and you went ALL IN on your dream?
Babe, your power exists to support the awakening of the planet.
But in order to unlock it, you must purify the programmed distorted beliefs into true sacredness… beyond what your upbringing or even the church has told you about being a “good” woman, what society says about your period being a curse or what someone else's version of success has imprinted you with…
You know that staying small, sacrificing into burnout and throat locking up cannot bring you to your dream.
You can try all your manifestation spells, but if you don't actually have the Energetic Capacity to RECEIVE what you're calling in- your nervous system won't allow you to hold it or sustain it.
Shakti Sanctuary has been designed as that support. By saying yes to this Online Sanctuary You get to commit to your deepest truth, embody it and watch your waking life become a living miracle.
Who do you want to become? What is your dream with your business, your life, your body, your legacy?
The rituals, methodology and group coaching in Shakti Sanctuary restructures your DNA, bringing you into playing in the field of miracles and expansion.
Join our powerful sisterhood community devoted to going deep into the messy truth of being a woman and fiercely loving yourself there to the core so you create with feminine power.
Babe, it’s natural to feel both excited
and uncertain about joining.
Why? Because women were indoctrinated to believe that Self-Care is SELFISH, and so we’ve become guilty spending money on ourselves for pleasure. We’ve also experienced feminine trauma in HerStory like “witch-burning” and “temple raiding” and so women are now afraid to publicly share their spiritual gifts and fear they will be outcast from their community.
My mission is to ILLUMINATE all that’s blocking you from RECEIVING the expansion your soul REQUIRES for this lifetime to thrive.
Deep breath, you’re in the right place.
A supported, well-pleasured, overflowing resourced woman with a mission is a woman who will help change the world. Let yourself lean into this version of you… it’s okay. That’s why this 30-day online retreat sanctuary exists.

Your feminine energy is your
natural state of receptivity.
However, your feminine energy might be dormant and drained for reasons like:
• Rushing through life on overdrive
• Feeling unsafe to surrender into your sensuality
• Or fearing you will become an outcast in your spiritual gifts.
This retreat is for YOU if you...
• Are an ambitious woman on a mission who wants to EXPAND without compromising her vitality
• Want to live in feminine embodied opulence
• Desire full-body orgasmic flow of energy
• Need support from community accountability + expert mentorship
• Feel isolated or “not Seen” and want to be with like-minded thought-leaders
• Are ready to connect with your body as your best friend
AND want to RECEIVE over and over again with our many sensual rituals.

A like-minded community is the garden that holds your blossom.
These rituals will nourish your roots.
Join the MGL Facebook Group

I created Shakti Sanctuary because...
Since 2011, I’ve been on a journey of uncovering and releasing beliefs around my body, sexuality, and purpose.
I’ve met really deep places inside myself: pure exhaustion from 2 week heavy menstrual cycles, emotional eating challenges, + a breakup with a fiance while experiencing low libido, dry pussy, and feeling obligated to have sex to keep our intimacy alive.
From a dark night of the soul, my lotus heart-led mission was born: to serve women in their most taboo challenges. Modern Goddess Lifestyle was created, yet I had to yet again meet myself in my unworthiness to receive prosperity for my time and grow this mission.
A decade later, I smile at the person I have become: my bleed is several holy days, I experience full-body cosmic orgasms, and lead a 6-figure business with a team of 8 women supporting the mission.
My Devotion to You: I have served thousands of women and what I have discovered is this: I know women thrive when they feel they have a sacred space where every part of her is welcomed - tears, ecstasy, confusion, rage, and clarity.
I am devoted to the full spectrum of Shakti expressed, helping women liberate and become more of the magic they were born to live.
We are mirrors for each other’s Expansion + Possibility

YOU are your biggest investment.
With over 14 hours of Juicy Transmissions to watch at your own pace, PLUS Bonus Resources - you are giving yourself a full retreat to rebirth in your feminine energy and powerful coaching to help you E X P A N D beyond your current capacity.
Babe, let's get real. What's it costing you NOT to invest?
Remember: a well-pleasured, supported and nourished woman OVERFLOWS her magic to everyone and everything she touches.
Let’s TURN ON that magic WITHIN You.