Begins July 20th!

A 4-Day FREE Online Retreat with sensual rituals of self-care to embody your magnetic feminine power. 

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Begins July 20th!

A 4-Day Online Retreat with sensual rituals of self-care to embody your magnetic feminine power. 

Register Now

Ready to learn how to tap into the power of your sacral chakra to birth your dreams with EASE instead of burnout?


If you want to…

  • embody more of your sensual nature?
  • clear past lover pain or process womb losses?
  • and self-care like the goddess you are to nurture your body-temple?

You’re invited to the Succulent Self-Love 4-Day Online Challenge starting July 20th, to embrace your feminine power!


Register Now

Guided Group Rituals In

Nutrition As Pleasure


Sensual Practices

Womb & Trauma Clearing

Creative Energy Flow

So you can birth your dreams from juicy overflow!


When you are radiantly tapped into your magic and power, you can be even more of a pillar for your community, family, and offer your sacred gifts to the world. ✨🔥

2020 has been a massive year of change and the YOU that entered this year is different from the you that is emerging.

 We will discover this new sense of you and your feminine power through: embodiment… which comes from unapologetically embracing all aspects of yourself, releasing shame, and owning your blind spots.

And our focus is healing through SELF-LOVE. Your connection to your sense of self-worth and inner magic is your direct route to creating the life you have envisioned with your work, relationships, and personal goals.

When: July 20th-23rd 

Location: Online Private FB Sisterhood Group

Register Now

This is for you if you…

  • Go-go-go and feel BURNED OUT
  • Silently shame your body, your sexuality, food choices
  • Are in need of deep self-care nourishment and accountability
  • Have a busy work life are building a business, are in a corporate setting and need divine feminine self-care restoration practices to spark your creativity
  • Feel heavy in your womb-space and want to clear past lover energy and create healthy sexual boundaries
  • You are desiring holistic healing in your reproductive space because of irregular menstrual cycles, period pain, PMS, crazy food cravings


This online challenge (consider it your own mini retreat) is for anyone who is a womb-carrier or identifies as womxn…


Plus, I’ll be giving you some juicy prizes mailed to you- some of my favorite feminine wellness tools such as yoni steam bath herbs, Love Tonic womb herbs, yoni pendants & a black obsidian yoni wand.

All The Details...

You will receive access to this challenge through daily emails and you can join us in our Private Facebook Group to attend the LIVE talks and share your intentions, questions and photos with the group! 

For our opening ceremony on July 20th at 8:00pm EST, please come with your intention for what you wish to heal & create throughout this challenge.

Daily Rituals + Challenge Flow:

Day 1 (July 20th): Food is Pleasure: Eat like a goddess with hormone balancing elixirs and recipes sent to you to prevent emotional eating and body shaming.

Day 2 (July 21st): Feel to Heal: Clear Your Womb-Space from past lover energy and womb losses to free up your creative energy.

Day 3 (July 22nd): Your Sexuality is Sacred: build your magnetic energy container with sensual rituals like the succulent self-love breast massage for enhancing feminine vitality in loving your breasts, yoni and womb.

Day 4 (July 23rd): Create Your Dreams from Overflow vs. Overwhelm: manifest your intentions with your sacral energy to create juicy overflow and live your purpose.

Are you ready to embody exquisite self-care? And manifest through succulent self-love?

YES Register Now!
This is my gift to you, as a thank you for being a part of this community!