Womb Healing Practitioner Training Includes: 

  • Somatic Embodiment Practices such as my Womb Clearing Method
  • Energetic Womb Healing techniques
  • Emotional Alchemy Tools
  • Womb Nutrition for the Menstrual Cycles
  • Hormone Science Education
  • Womb Breath work
  • Communication Tools for Establishing Boundaries + Consent
  • Trauma Informed Support for healing sexual abuse
  • Pleasure Activating Rituals
  • Rituals to alleviate grief from womb losses like miscarriages, abortions, etc.


Early Bird Bonuses are in effect until March 11th.

  • 1-1 Coaching Session with Numana-Allie (valued at $333)
  • Immediate Access to Juicy Woman Collective online monthly membership with 4 LIVE calls per month (6 month subscription valued at $462)
  • Extended Payment Plans

We start April 24th, 2024! 

APPLY NOW & Book a Call


The Womb Healer has a profound role in modern society, and this career path is growing. The Womb Healer is the person who brings the sacred into a woman's life who may feel disconnected to her body and womb, her creative power and pleasure, and has lost the wisdom of the ancient ways of feminine ritual in this modern hustle culture.

The Womb Healer is an advocate for women's empowerment, to help her become informed and aware of all the choices she has available for her healing journey. For her to believe and know there is another way for her beyond immediate surgery or pharmaceuticals to support her womb pain, hormonal imbalance and irregularities.

You are the space-holder, guiding her deeper into trust within her body so her own wisdom and flow through. And supporting her making choices for her health that are in alignment with her intuition and sovereignty.

Imagine a career where you are leading rituals for your clients, and feeling connected to divinity as you serve your purpose.

This is a sacred role and it not only transforms your clients, but also their families, communities, and all that she is an influence to. The nourished woman is a fountain overflowing.

In this Training, you learn how to hold space for 1-1 clients, groups, in person and at retreats and also online.

Insight into the Syllabus

  • Activating Vitality: Hormone Health Education & Reproductive Anatomy
  • Nutrition for the Womb: eating for fluctuating shifts within the menstrual cycle, pre-conception, pre and post menopause
  • Embodiment Fundamentals: Expanding beyond your Upper Limit of Receptivity
  • Sacred No: creating healthy boundaries and communication tools
  • Timeline Healing: meeting the needs of the inner Child Healing and soul retrieval
  • Sexual Healing: Trauma informed somatic and tantra rituals for sexual healing + learn erogenous zones
  • Womb Clearing Methods: Emotional Alchemy Tools + Tantric energy healing practices
  • Pleasure Activating Rituals such as yoni egg and sensory engagement ritual
  • Rituals to alleviate grief from womb losses like miscarriages, abortions, etc.
  • Womb Priestess History
  • Guiding Sacred Space: how to lead rituals in groups, 1-1 sessions, online or in retreats
  • Space-holding methods to support your clients
  • Witness LIVE Womb Clearing Demo
  • Practice with your group: lead live ritual
  • Lead 6 Case Studies and receive feedback
  • Business Fundamentals: marketing online and in person events, speak to your dream client, set prices, create packages and sacred sales
  • Mindset Mastermind + Co-Create online community event
    + more...

about their outcome from Womb Healing Practitioner Training! 

“After guiding a Womb Ceremony from my recent online group, I was told: "This is the most powerful thing I have ever received online!" To receive feedback like that after this was my fourth-ever offered Womb Clearing.... just wait until I serve 50 or 100!

I just love that I get to do this as my work and that I said YES to this training! These teachings are now woven into my online group course, womb healing ceremonies. I noticed my most popular social media is my womb clearing reel.

One of my goals was to be wealthy by the end of this journey and see a big change with how I’m interacting with money, and I really do see that’s happened.


I feel more empowered in my voice as a leader. The biggest shift was choosing to invest in myself, knowing that I am worthy of my dreams. This academy supported the joy of my pleasure while I built my business.”

When Josefa applied for the academy, she had absent and irregular cycles. When she joined, they regulated. Her online audience grew from 3k to 140+ followers within a couple months.



“It's an absolute honor to be serving my clients with womb-healing rituals. In this training, Numana-Allie sees your highest self and can bring it out. So honored to have your as my mentor and thank you for initiating me into this role. I went from running my business as a fitness coach from primarily in my masculine energy and feeling so burned out. I have softened into my feminine expression, and moved through so many fears of what I am capable of. I am a wife, a mother of 2 and a business owner.”


 Sacred Investment

Enroll or APPLY by March 11th, 2024

to receive Super Early Bird Enrollment Price + Bonuses











$5555 $5k

Pay in FULL (save $555)

  • 9 Months LIVE inside the online training
  • Training Manual
  • Certificate of Completion (upon graduation)
  • EARLY BIRD BONUS: 1-1 Womb Clearing/Breakthrough private session with Allie- 90 mins (valued at $333)
  • EARLY BIRD BONUS: Juicy Woman Collective (6 months inside the membership) (valued at $462)


$8255 $7700

Pay in FULL (save $555)

  • 9 Months LIVE inside the online training
  • Training Manual
  • Certificate of Completion (upon graduation)
  • In person 5 Day all inclusive Retreat on Kauai
  • EARLY BIRD BONUS: 1-1 Womb Clearing/Breakthrough private session with Allie- 90 mins (valued at $333) 
  • EARLY BIRD BONUS: Juicy Woman Collective (6 months inside the membership) (valued at $462) 

“After guiding a Womb Ceremony from my recent online group, I was told: "This is the most powerful thing I have ever received online!" To receive feedback like that after this was my fourth-ever offered Womb Clearing.... just wait until I serve 50 or 100!

I just love that I get to do this as my work and that I said YES to this training! These teachings are now woven into my online group course, womb healing ceremonies. I noticed my most popular social media is my womb clearing reel.

One of my goals was to be wealthy by the end of this journey and see a big change with how I’m interacting with money, and I really do see that’s happened.


I feel more empowered in my voice as a leader. The biggest shift was choosing to invest in myself, knowing that I am worthy of my dreams. This academy supported the joy of my pleasure while I built my business.”

When Josefa applied for the academy, she had absent and irregular cycles. When she joined, they regulated. Her online audience grew from 3k to 140+ followers within a couple months.


“It's an absolute honor to be serving my clients with womb-healing rituals. In this training, Numana-Allie sees your highest self and can bring it out. So honored to have your as my mentor and thank you for initiating me into this role. I went from running my business as a fitness coach from primarily in my masculine energy and feeling so burned out. I have softened into my feminine expression, and moved through so many fears of what I am capable of. I am a wife, a mother of 2 and a business owner.”


 Sacred Investment

Enroll by March 11th, 2024

to receive Super Early Bird Enrollment Price + Bonuses










$5555 $5k

Pay in FULL (save $555)

  • 9 Months LIVE inside the online training
  • Training Manual
  • Certificate of Completion (upon graduation)
  • EARLY BIRD BONUS: 1-1 Womb Clearing/Breakthrough private session with Numana, 90 mins (valued at $333)
  • EARLY BIRD BONUS: Juicy Woman Collective (6 months inside the membership) (valued at $462)


$8255 $7500

Pay in FULL (save $755)

  • 9 Months LIVE inside the online training
  • Training Manual
  • Certificate of Completion (upon graduation)
  • In person 5 Day all inclusive Retreat on Kauai
  • EARLY BIRD BONUS: 1-1 Womb Clearing/Breakthrough private session with Numana, 90 mins (valued at $333) 
  • EARLY BIRD BONUS: Juicy Woman Collective (6 months inside the membership) (valued at $462)